Saturday, January 29, 2011


Saturday, a day I am often not sure  if  it is the free day of the weekend or if I should do some "imported" work. Most often it turns out that we get up late  and "hang " around. Today I cooked  my beef roast I had in a wine ,vinegar ,wather marinade for 8 days. It turned out yummy!!!!!!!!!! Often a meal we had as children when we had to use "fall" meat. Meat from a self insurance from the farmers to get a bit more money for an animal who had an accident and the butcher would not bay it . Often it was an old cow and with this marinade it softened the meat.It is even better when the meat come  from a young beef !!
 It was such a beautiful  sunny afternoon, that we went for a snowshoe walk on our land. it was gorgeous! Way haven't we  used the snowshoes for over 16 years? May be to start some thing new in our retirement . Today I also finally learned to post a comment in the blog. How many times I wrote one and could not post it.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But not give up  , be determent will even help me with the computer technology.
But now I go in the lazier part and close my computer. Have a wonderful weekend and a good week.

Friday, January 21, 2011

computer class and pictures

Sunrise on a crispy morning and the big swing to show Nathaniel.outlook from our washroom

Hallo you  all. It is a while since I wrote in my blog. had it on my mind all the time.  I wanted to share some pictures with you but still  did not know how to get the picture in my camera in the blog. so , now that Chris had over a hour patient with me, we will see if the investment pays back.

A time later.

That is the story. The picture I so like are in the blog but not jet in the spot I like them to be. May be that is the next lesson!!!!!   So enjoy with me my winter joy and gifts I receive from God .To enjoy and admire HIS new creating every day in his creation to lift up and encourage his children.Thank you my father in heaven.

 A little later. I played around not really knowing why it moved . A few picture you have an explanation.  now I am tired and should go cocking. The tree is our big Mapel tree.   The three other  picture, do you know what it is?

Ice flowers ! on our garage door . But lasted only a few hours. I exited when I see some so rarly flowers this days. We had them on our bedroom windows in the mornings of my childhood winters. Is it not wonderfull "growing "out of cold moister and a bit of dust ?

Thursday, January 13, 2011

an every day

Get up in the morning. have breakfast . Swiss style : milk and coffee . Oh it is sooo good every morning and I enjoy it !Home made bread an jam, some times cheese. Alphorn practise almost every morning, then a few errands in the household or office. Phone calls . letters, discussion with my husband. Today we brought our car in service and joined the prayer meeting. God knew every thing but HE want  to hear from us and and include us in his plans. How often are we distracted to do what is right. or have to fight to make a right decision and even go through to do it also.After lunch we enjoy a break with reading a book. , for a longer time then  when we still farmed! and then a short nap. In the afternoon we often go visiting people from church. Older, grieving, hurting, sick and other people. It needs time and I am still not used to the long driving distances and the time that it  needs.But be glad to have the  time to do this ministry. I have to learn to  enjoy even the time in the car.Evenings are filled with visiting, watching TV, may be time on the  computer, ( have still not learned to bring pictures  from my camera  in to  this blog....) ,reading books, Coffee or tee and then again it is already late  and time for bed..If you like to have a coffee with us,  be welcome,,, May be an other time..... Better call first to find us at home, But we would enjoy your visit with  us! Find something to enjoy today  and store it in your heart for a dark day!  God bless you today!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Here it is , the 2011

Greetings to you all . The first one in this new year!, may God bless you all.

The holidays are over , the house quiet again, but also nice to be back in a every day routine. Over Christmas all the snow was gone but now all outside is nice and withe again, I like  it. When the sun is shining it all is so pretty.. clean and promising ,  what ever you wish to think.I enjoy all the wonders in nature. What a Creator  we have . Wonders over wonders. If the sun rises or goes down. If the fog hides all the surroundings and then the sun come and reviles all a new!The ice crystals on the trees, the birds visiting the food station. My husband invites me for a coffee.
Now I start on my own to put some picture to my blog to share with you. Enjoy what ever comes out of my effort.

Two picture I could catch and they posted them selfs in my blog and I leave  it there  because  I may  lose them . You see myself   creating a gingerbread house with Markus  and the final product. We had fun!!!!  The new picture in my camera are still there  and I need some help from Christian to connect the camera to the computer. So have patient for the  picture I made  from around our house. Have a good weekend and a verry good week again. Don't forget, God loves you !