Monday, April 11, 2011

The snow is gone

How good it feels: warm , sunshine, no snow around. We had a busy week , for four day we attended a real good seminar about the spirituell war fare. We learnd so much and have now to internalize what we heard and experienced. We enjoy it at home again. Now we can be more active physicly that the snow is gone. We so enjoyed to have time and stay inside , read, study , talke , go slow. visit and do what we in the farming days not had time for. May be we lost a bit the balance or are not use to that kind of work. Anyway we enjoy the start of the warm saison! The minds goes towards dreaming of traveling , holidays, hiking, having visiters, playing with grandkids autside, lawn mowing, oppen fire in our "Wald-Kaffi"etc.
This week I have my last bible study group meeting. No preperations and meetings for a while!
I like the different saisons, allways something to enjoy and looking forward too to the next change. Now: Crocuses oppened , the trees start budding, the birds singing and make nests, the sun warms my back,the lawn starts to be greener every day.We see also more people in the towns and on the streets. Soon the farmers are in the fields again to plant our food for a new saison. Never forget to pray and thank for the growing of our dayly bread.


  1. Yes, it has been nicer in NB as well. finally we can go outside again without freezing our butt off. i've started raking our lawn and yesterday was the first day i didn't really need to take my jacket to work. looking forward to the shorts and sandals. looking forward even more to seeing you guys in a little over 2 months. love, chris

  2. looking forward to our visit and being lazy.....will you be lazy with me? haha
