Friday, November 19, 2010

Christmas athmosphere

After waiting for a special event to redeem a birthday promise, my friend and I went go an exhibition of 4000 peaces of nativities. What a time we had! Groups and groups of Betlthem scenes, made of wood , porcelain bread though, egg cartons. play though. fabric, metal ,glass silver , paper etc, knitted , crouched,  carved, etc. .........................Wonderful..... All the different displays are lend for this 10 days . from all over the world, owned by local people.   An all for no entrance fees!!  We drove happily homeward and mist the right  turn for home!! A good afternoon. We agreed to do it next year again.
That and the restored computer work from yesterday , and to write this entry so easily made my day. Have a good one too.


  1. That would have been so much fun to go to. I hope you took some pictures. If you did, i would love to see you post ya. chris

  2. yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhh i can not believe that YOU are blogging! i am SO impressed! yeah for you!!!!! i am looking forward to reading all about you guys!

    i would have totally loved going to the exhibition...that would have been so cool!
