Thursday, November 25, 2010


Ten o clock at night, and I am on the Computer blogging!!!!!!!!!!  What to tell?  Thank you all for your comments and the encouragements to writ here.After the Prayer meeting this morning  i Started whit Christmas backing.Laebkuchen for the Samichlausseckli.Auch die Paeckli fuer usere zwei Sponser childern in Haiti sind heute fertig eingepackt worden . Sorry , this was German. It means that two gift boxes are ready for our sponsor childern in Haiti.IF you like , I go for an Ovi milk and you can have one too. May be an other time. Sleep well or have a good day.


  1. You write like you talk mom, half english have german. Love it.

  2. lol...nice comment ursi. true, true...

  3. Isch guet Muetti. Ich habe d'Swinglish auch :)Fur mich das ist besser.
