Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas morning

.Weihnachtstag! What a greeting when I went to Cook Coffee. A beautiful sunrise! And markus helped me to put this picture in my blog.  It is already late in the evening. we unwrapped the last gifts had our tradition Fondue Chinois although only we three had supper together. Hopefully in a other year you from faraway can join us again too.  we wish you many joy full  days in the rest of this year.  We have a sad thing happened again in our church family. A59 year old women died yesterday  at heart problems,  the funeral is on Wednesday. What have we to learn???  Love . forgive . say sorry,  I love you , thank you.   and do it now , maybe it will not be a tomorrow.   Love you and pray for you .   Good night.   Muetti  

1 comment:

  1. Mom, we're looking forward to coming to the farm in 2 days. I'm looking forward to play in some decent amount of snow. We still only have about 5 cm. See you soon.
