Saturday, December 11, 2010

Christmas time ! ?

How I love all the blogs from my Kids and in laws!!!!!!!!!!!!!!      
It is such a busy time and I miss the quiet and expectations Time of my childhood.Where have we be going off the road?  I am working on the Christmas letteres and gifts, " Many irons in the fire" ,walti said  to me this morning. This afternoon  I was on the funeral from a women from our church . she lived in a nursing home ,and after many! years, 3 weeks ago ,I toke the time on the way of my shopping tour and went visiting her. She enjoyed it , but mostly she talked Harland's . Many things I know from long ago visits. Most importuned was here  upcoming 100 st  birthday on the 5. Dec.  And she made it!  I came home a little sad. What is life? What is importend? How can I leave a legacy that is worthwile?   At home I did some office work for Waltis counseling session next week and got to the blogs. What a joy to read from all of you my loved ones!Thank you all. It is so uplifting to heare from your lives. You are all the time in my hearts and prayer but not so often am I talking with you. Or take the Time!? Sorry. So much for this time , I really should also work on my many projects. But may be a cup of coffee first gives the right energies. Want to have one too?  would be nice....  Enjoy this time of the year and put in some break times to be still and know that the Lord is our God  coming to us when ever we let Him in. Wish you a lot of Christmas joy. Muetti


  1. Thank you Mom, for your encouraging words.
    Maybe we'll put up our Christmas tree this evening. We'll see how the girls do with the pretty lights and ornaments that they're not supposed to touch, take off, eat.
    I'm hoping the rain will turn to snow soon, the white cover always helps me get into the Christmas mood.

  2. love your post. i love that you blog! gotta go and watch nate turn daddy into a baby...ha

  3. ok, i have to clarify mel's comment above. or at least give it some context. nathaniel watches this show called super why that has a lot of educational values etc but this one cartoon character has a spelling wand (it's all about letters, words and spelling them correctly, hence "spelling" want)...anyways, nathaniel found a stick with some feathers at the top and decided that he would turn me into a baby (don't ask me where or why he got this idea) while i was sleeping/resting on the i started crying like a baby and he turned me back into a "big boy" right away...oh the joys of it
